Friday, March 12, 2010

Can your dog actually fetch your slippers and newspaper?

How can I get my 2 Jack Russells to do that?

Can your dog actually fetch your slippers and newspaper?
Hi Luv2,

Yes My Dad had a mix breed that would do that for him.. She was hit by someone speedy on our road and Killer Her.

A LL the Damn speeders are going to Kill a child one of these day real soon. Mandy was on the side of the road when she was hit. Someone left the side gate open and Poor Mandy got out..

To teach your 2 Jack Russells to get your new paper roll an old new paper up and take it outside and let your dogs smell the paper and then throw it and tell them to fetch.. You will have to be patient with them but the Little ones will learn make sure you give them a little treat when they do it right and also tell them that He and She a very good boy and girl..

Do the same with your slippers but in your house and your room.. Just teach them over and over until they learn..Just a 5 minute session each time so they don't get tire of it.. Good Luck My Friend,

A Friend,

Reply:my dog fetches the post, the telephone, remote for TV, picks up everything I drop for me you teach them through play getting them interested in the articles and when they give them to you, you reward them with a favourite treat you may have to work at this with your JRs as they are not a retrieving breed and would probably prefer to treat a slipper like a rat and kill it lol
Reply:My dog could. But ... the newspaper was always a bit humid. My family did not like dogs saliva on the newspaper.

The dog did also bring slippers. One day she took the slipper and wanted (we think) to bring them to me. But I was not home, so she played some time with the slippers. It took very long to train that dog NOT to eat the newspaper or my (new) slippers.
Reply:No, but only because I don't own slippers and we don't get the newspaper delivered. She does, however, bring me her leash when I tell her it's time to go out. You just have to keep training!
Reply:If by "fetch" you mean grab my slipper and run away, then yes, my dog is great at that!
Reply:My doberman used to go out and gt the newspaper when we lived in town.

You opened the door and told him gt the paper and off he went.

Came in real handy if it was wet or snowing outside.
Reply:you could get a proffesional trainer
Reply:Time and patience! Just do things over and over again. My cat fetches my slippers, tries to type, eats with his paws. It's not hard to train a dog but if you don't have the time they have training schools.
Reply:my dog walks out with me to get the newspaper and insists on carrying it back to the house where she then will drop it right by the back door. I didn't NOTHING to train her for this! I think she just watched me and wanted to help and please me. She is a goldendoodle and can even manage to bring in the Sunday paper!! Good luck!
Reply:Only if I throw them first!
Reply:only if there food on
Reply:My dog fetches the newspaper.

We just kept taking her for a walk to the gate to get the paper and she wanted to do it.

She does get a treat for bringing it to the back door.
Reply:OF COURSE! Jack Russels are smart but they are so hyper and therefore; take a lot of patience to train! I'd ask for advice from a dog trainer. They must know sit, down, fetch, come, stay, and so forth before teaching these tricks.
Reply:My "invisible" Dog Does Many Amazing Things.....LOL
Reply:We had a lab in the family that can get the newspaper and the remote and if there is no newspaper in the front yard he will go to the neighbors yard and take theirs it is so cute! Also when he takes the neighbors paper all you have to do is tell him that it is the neighbors not ours and he will take it back! Im not sure how they trained him to do that but it is just so cute.
Reply:With GREAT training and a very intelligent dog anything can happen.
Reply:Train it.

Put a kibble on its slippers and stuff and if it only takes the dog food and not object force it to by placing your slipper or newspaper in its mouth. When it brings the object to you give it another kibble.

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